You are lovely (not a newsflash!), Kate, and the dreamwork is assisting enormously! I can’t imagine doing ‘no dreamwork’ Tuesdays! - Rebecka Darling-Darren

“The question I would have asked before I completed one of Kate’s dream workshops is: how can dreams help me in my daily life?

Having done Kate’s dreamwork I have experienced massive realisations and guidance for my life. I have taken what I would have considered to be risks that I would not have taken if it wasn’t for the interpretation of my dreams. The dreamwork has given me confidence and courage to move forward and become ‘unstuck’.”  –  Dianne Elson

“Since I’ve been dreaming with you so much has become manifest for me and my whole space and perception on many things has shifted in a most favourable way.” – John Sanderson, November 2017

“I was intrigued and curious after initially talking to Kate about her dream group and the different ways she saw and addressed dreams.

I struggled to remember a lot of my dreams or forgot them as soon as I got up. And like most of us I was a bit sceptical to think of my dreams to be more than a bunch of surreal visions or fleeting fantasies living in my subconscious.

So yes, I was curious how a different awareness and focus and the working in a group might bring stuff to light.

With a bit more focus and keeping a journal I noticed synchronicities and coincidences, deeper insights, meetings and connections all presented themselves in both my dreams and waking life.

Kate listens carefully and has a great recall of details, even the seemingly insignificant ones and she noticed certain themes running and patterns showing in my dreaming too, and it was interesting hearing another’s take on my dreams and possible meanings.

Sharing in a group somehow brought the dreams to life and gave different angles to consider, which broadened my interpretations. I found my love of writing again through keeping a Dream Journal and Kate’s “homework” had me researching my dream creatures, which was an education in itself, and studying the geology and ecology of a couple of environments I’d dreamed of was very inspiring!

So I feel switched on through time and place in the group and my ongoing fascination with the faded lines between reality and dreaming is fuelled and nurtured.

Kate’s passion and enthusiasm throughout the sessions is infectious and her knowledge of and use of “dreaming tools” like philosophy, psychology, even symbology and mythology is impressive.

Add to that an open mind and great sense of humour and we’ve got a super stimulating and enjoyable session.  

And it’s refreshing and fun getting to know Kate and the other great people in the group, and getting to know myself a little better through sharing our dreams.” 

– John Sanderson, Huonbrook, June 2017