The Healing Power of Crystals

I know a guy who swears crystals have no power, yet for over 20 years has kept a “lucky quartz” in his toiletries bag and never goes anywhere without it. This guy is one of millions of people who unknowingly tap into the healing powers of crystals every day. They may not believe in crystal healing power, yet something attracts them to crystals. What is it, this magical “something” that compels us to bring these beautiful coloured stones into our homes and environments, to carry them with us or wear them as “lucky” charms or talismans?

Crystal energies work on every level of your being to bring about healing and balance, but how do they do this?

The answer is complex and is based partly on Quantum physics, which states that all matter is energy, and that if two bodies of energy come into contact with each other, the “weaker” body must shift to match the resonance or frequency of the stronger body.

Take a crystal, grown within Mother Earth, and a human being, living upon the Earth but separated from nature and thrown out of balance by traumatic events, emotional upheavals and all of the artificial energy bombarding us in the form of electricity, microwaves, computers, mobile phones and so on.

The crystal contains such a pure, concentrated and cohesive energy that it is a much stronger force than the human energy field, and therefore when we hold a crystal, wear it as jewellery or keep it in our environment, we must shift into energetic resonance with that crystal.

Sometimes the shift will be slight and virtually unnoticeable; at other times it will be huge and we may feel strong emotional or physical changes that can actually transform our whole life. Many people are receiving crystal healing without even realising it, simply by wearing a piece of jewellery!

In my work with crystals, people often want to know what a crystal represents, or what it’s “good for”. I can share my experience with that crystal, or give you several crystal books, but ultimately, we all have the ability to tune in to a crystal’s energy and we all have an inherent “knowing” of what it means for us personally.

As an exercise, ask the question “what crystal will benefit me or [insert friend/partner etc] with a certain issue, empty your mind of all expectations and thought, and walk around a room full of crystals. You will be drawn to a certain crystal, maybe more than one. If you then open a crystal book and read about it, without any doubt you will discover that the crystal you were attracted to carries an energy that can help you or your loved one with the issue you had in mind.

A crystal healing session is a powerful journey of transformation facilitated through a “laying on of stones” while you are in a relaxed and receptive state, and what surfaces and shifts will depend on what you and your body are ready for at the time.

Crystal Resonance Therapy is a wonderful modality to explore in conjunction with Feng Shui, as often blocks in your life need to be cleared from your physical and energetic bodies before they can be cleared from your life to move forward.

Contact me to enquire about a Crystal Resonance Therapy session.


Precognitive Dreams - you have them too!