Crystal for the week - Snakeskin Agate

Snakeskin Agate is a crystal whose power is in being physically seen and felt, so gazing at it and focusing on its texture and markings is a big part of its magic. Its markings, like the skin of a snake, are mesmerising, and it seems to glow from within.

Snake medicine is often about transformation and the shedding of old skin (depending on the type of snake and how it appears in your life), and the medicine of Snakeskin Agate is about shedding skins - or peeling away the layers of the onion, if that’s a more comfortable image for you - to (re)discover your true and authentic self, your core essence.

I have worked with Snakeskin Agate for a long time as a Dreaming stone. It was one of the two crystals I carried with me some years ago to the USA for my Dream Teacher trainings and it has sat on the altars in those training retreats and in all of my Dreaming groups since then.

Part of its healing energy can be encapsulated by Leonard Cohen’s words: “There is a crack in everything; that’s how the light gets in”. When we embrace and explore our own cracks and imperfections and shed our resistance to them, not only can the light shine into us, but we are able to unlock the beauty and potential within and allow our own inner light to radiate out into the world.

From a physical perspective, the feel of these crystals is actually incredibly soft and soothing, and an aspect of their healing energy I haven’t yet explored fully but am super keen to, is that they are said to diminish wrinkles and soothe the skin. Soothe the skin they definitely do, and amen to diminishing wrinkles!

I invite you to carry the healing frequency of Snakeskin Agate with you through this week.

Gaze at it and into it, and explore whatever feelings or visions come up for you as you do. Doing this may bring up some discomfort, be it physical or emotional or both - if this is the case, take the time and space to sit with whatever feelings arise, identify where you feel them in your body and gently breathe into them until they ease or pass.

Please feel free to send me a message if you have any questions, and go well through this week.


Crystal Mandala


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